Cantr Forum Werewolf Game 3 - OOC Discussion

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Cantr Forum Werewolf Game 3 - OOC Discussion

Postby mikki » Thu Feb 17, 2005 8:38 pm

That really sucks.. being the first to be eaten.. I was so looking forward to playing.. came home, got online and onto the forum to find that I was eaten first... :cry:
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Postby Lumin » Thu Feb 17, 2005 9:11 pm

Yeah I know, that's gotta suck. Now you just get to watch everybody else have all the "fun." Well if I die I just hope it's not too early, this is my first game and I want to enjoy it.

Anyway, I'm actually curious as to whether anyone would be interested in a more freeform roleplay thread, maybe when this game is over? It would be sort of similar; a mod comes up with a scenario and then assigns basic roles that would produce conflict, but there wouldn't be any hard rules about things like "winning" or having to kill someone every day and night. Though I suppose we could work in some sort of murder system to satisfy the bloodthirsty among us... (Also to keep from running into situations like, "I shot you!" "Nuh-uh, you missed!" "I didn't miss! You're dead!" "No I'm not!" "Yes you are!" "I'm telling Mom!" :D )
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Postby AoM » Thu Feb 17, 2005 10:59 pm

That kinda sounds good, Lumin... but I'm confused as to how it would work. Have you seen this done on another forum somewhere? Maybe PM me with a link?

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Postby Nixit » Fri Feb 18, 2005 12:18 am

It's like those play-by-email games.
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Postby Lumin » Fri Feb 18, 2005 12:26 am

No, I don't have any existing examples, sorry.

Actually, where I got the idea from is kind of a long story. Er...literally. :)

We used to do an activity in my writing group where we'd split into teams of four or five, and everybody would start a story. Then the timer would go off after five minutes and we'd each pass our story to the person next to us. They'd continue it for five more minutes, then pass it to the person next to them, and we'd eventually each wind up with a story with parts written by everybody else. (Sort of like the three word story that's going on now, only slightly more coherent...)

At some point a couple of friends and I got so addicted to these that we started running them over e-mail, and they eventually took on more roleplaying aspects with one person pitching a setting (an archealogy dig and an Egyptian curse, space pirates and an alien war, even a demonic toy factory; they pretty much ran the gamut) and everyone writing a few character bios to complement it before the story actually began. (In this case the "mod" would also play, and would do something to nudge the story along if it ever fell into a rut.) There were also a few assigned roles, where the story needed a few specific characters right off the back, and the mod would describe what they were like and ask for volunteers to play them.

It just crossed my mind because I remember one of them actually involved a werewolf, a vampire, a masquerade party, and a bunch of rich, snooty people who deserved to die. :D

Of course the similarities pretty much ended there; I think the inspiration for it was actually the game Clue, and by the end of the story the humans had killed more people than the monsters did. And everybody knew the vampire was a vampire (she wore a scarf, had pale skin, and "NO GARLIC!" became something of a catch phrase) only most of the characters were to dense to figure it out, and the werewolf was actually a good guy who was subject to excessive body hair and violent personally changes whenever he was exposed to moonlight. (Luckily it turned out munching on a vampire was the cure for lycanthropy...)

The whole thing was pretty ridiculous, but fun. We'd wind up with situations like: "Oh dear," Samantha sniffs. "Reginold has gotten his entrails all over my chandelier. How inconsiderate! Benjamin, do have the maid come and clean it up." or (to paraphrase): 'Bridget comes back into the room, looking relieved. "Oh, what a weight off my shoulders! I've been so worried, what with the electricity going out and the murderer on the loose that I decided to call my lawyer and have him write out my will. Markus and Maximillian, should anything happen to me tonight I want you to know that I've left my mansion in Florida and my entire collection of diamonds to be split between the two of you." (Bridget and Maximillian later ended up dying under not so mysterious circumstances...)

LOL, wish I'd kept a copy of the e-mails now, but that was a few years ago and the e-mail acocount I used then is long gone... :(
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Postby AoM » Fri Feb 18, 2005 4:01 am

Well... hmm. I guess I'd be up for it. We'd want a different topic for it. This probably should be for werewolf game discussion only.

By the way, you killed the 3 word story!!! :cry: The town should lynch you for that alone! :lol: :wink:

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Postby mikki » Fri Feb 18, 2005 7:20 am

Sooooooo... Are you all going to stand around or are you going to lynch someone for killing little ol' me? :twisted:

This is totally depressing... :cry: *sighs* Now what am I going to do when there is nothing going on?
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Postby colonel » Fri Feb 18, 2005 9:59 am

I can't believe that Mikki died! Here Rev is drinking tea and eating muffins while poor Mikki dies? Come on people, take Rev down next! PLEASE!

HANG EM! hee hee.

This is pretty neat. I am just sad I was not feeling good enough to see the start of it so then I could have joined, but then I would have been the first one to go. LOL.

Oh and by the way, since Mikki is dead, is her house up for sale or what? :lol:
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Postby mikki » Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:22 pm

:lol: The house is NOT up for sale.. I am going to come back from the dead and play next time.. If my house is sold then where will I sleep?

Ok.. now you should lynch someone.. Quickly... Isn't there supposed to be a time limit on the game? It has been now two days and no one has paid for my death.. Kill someone so I am not alone in here... kill...hehe :twisted:
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Postby mortaine » Fri Feb 18, 2005 3:09 pm

That is one vengeful ghost!
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Postby Lumin » Fri Feb 18, 2005 3:28 pm

I was wondering about the time limit as well. Maybe Seko could post a deadline? Once that sun starts to set it may be enough to scare us all into action...
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Postby SekoETC » Fri Feb 18, 2005 3:53 pm

I believe it's early afternoon now, and that some have already voted looks like a good sign. Don't worry, I may kick you with a description of a beautiful sunset if you don't seem to be reaching a decision by the end of the week. But posting strict limits feels unnatural, (remembering last time I ended up dead without much of a hope for defending myself and only because I went to bed in time for once).
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Postby formerly known as hf » Fri Feb 18, 2005 5:33 pm

yeah, sorry about that Seeks... but that day was taking so long...
Whoever you vote for.

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Postby SekoETC » Sat Feb 19, 2005 6:59 pm

Hey no problem, at least you moved ya post to give me the chance for last words. Yes I did notice, very nice to notice I'd been dead three minutes before I pressed send, and I worried all night if people were gonna blame me for speaking after death... Anyway I always end up dying sooner or later so I don't mind.
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Postby SekoETC » Sun Feb 20, 2005 9:39 pm

Observing the current situation from the outside, even though it's hard to see motives, it seems to be turning into a choice between Lumin and Farmer. I wonder if people have a built-in instinct to kill the ones who talk too much. :twisted:
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