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Is it wrong to...

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 2:17 am
by ezz
I was going to ask a question but thought that this format could work as a game kinda thing.

(I just want to see what Joo will post really :lol: )

Is it wrong to...

Re-use a character name that you thought was awesome?

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 4:03 am
by Sunni Daez
someone stole my charris name while she was still alive (still is).. I didn't think it was to cool.... but i think that one caused problems and is dead now.. I think..

As far as I am concerned... Make new ones.. if you found one that was awesome, I am sure you can be original.. and make a new one up!

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 9:51 pm
by joo
I have reused names or parts of names from characters of mine from previous who I knew were long dead and not likely to be remembered by many people.

Is it wrong to sleep in a bed where the moon has been sweating, in the lobbey with 900 windows? (There, you got your provocative post, now leave me alone :P )

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 3:08 am
by playerslayer666
i'm going take a wild guess and say......maybe? ** doesn't fully understand Joo's post **

to answer the other question. YES. i try my best NOT to copy peoples names but many of the more common names have been taken.....and quite a few uncommon ones have been taken too.

is it wrong to randomly kill a person you promise to help for something his friend did? ( actual personal experience, and my friend only steered the guys boat because it stopped in the middle of us traveling cause it hit land )

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 4:47 am
by joo

playerslayer666 wrote:is it wrong to randomly kill a person you promise to help for something his friend did? ( actual personal experience, and my friend only steered the guys boat because it stopped in the middle of us traveling cause it hit land )

Yes, that does sound quite wrong.

Is it wrong to imply you intend to have sex with the corpse of a woman who is in your house by reffering to something that is not possible within the game mechanics? (A character of mine saw this quite long ago, and no, it wasn't me who did it).

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 10:57 am
by SekoETC
If the question is is it wrong to have sex with corpses in Cantr because it hasn't been programmed, I'd say no. If there are no witnesses, people just gotta believe your story if you tell them or you might leave a note about it.

Is it wrong to get turned on by being restrained?

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 12:59 pm
by Rebma
Thats a big hells no. Very common turn on.

Is it wrong to put up with someone's bad behavior, just because it takes less effort than confronting?

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 1:07 pm
by *Wiro
Yes, you should kick their ass and show them you're the boss.

Is it wrong to lock people up in your basement? :O

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 2:50 pm
by SekoETC
Yes, unless there's strong reason to suspect that the people would hurt other people or themselves unless they were confined, and for some reason can't be put in prison or in a mental institution. For example if they are werewolves and the authorities don't believe in those.

Is it wrong to sacrifice a woman to a military leader who otherwise threatens to invade your town/country and kill and torture several people and has the manpower to back up his threat? Does it make a difference if the woman is a volunteer or unwilling?

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 2:51 pm
by joo
In Cantr, absolutely not. They're probably a sleeping noob anyway, and in the least it will give them some kind of humility and stimulate RP. In RL, it really depends on the circumstances. If it's a "born to rape" type of locking someone up in your basement, then it probably is wrong, but there might be some other situations where it's right (for example if the victim is a vampire or a werewolf or a mad cow's disease sufferer)

edit: whoops

No. The policy of appeasement didn't work in WWII, and it won't work in Cantr. If somebody has the audacity to demand a human sacrifice in return for not invading your town, they will certainly have no qualms about breaking a promise. If you give a bully what they want, you are only fuelling the fire, as they will see you as a weak, easy target.

Is it wrong to get turned on when thinking about RPing torturing someone in Cantr?

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 8:47 pm
by rpg101
Maybe, depends on what kind of torture...*blinks*

Is it wrong it wrong to attack someone in Cantr just because that character reminds you of someone who bullied you in high-school? (In RL)

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 9:23 pm
by Andu
Yes. Very OOC.

Is it wrong to like horses... on your sandwich?

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 10:27 pm
by SekoETC
Haha, how else would they make proper salami?

Is it wrong to talk about people behind their backs if you're sure they can't overhear it?

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 3:26 am
by rpg101
Yup, but who cares. I've done it, everyone's done it. And I'm sure it was done about me.

Is it wrong to make a new Cantr character just so you can have something to do while you wait for your other characters to get updated?

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 10:21 am
by SekoETC
Umm... no.

Is it wrong to feel like you'd want to punch a drunkard just because they're blabbering endlessly and you can't hear what they're saying? (I've experienced this at least twice.)