The Muck Pond

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Postby Fleegle » Tue Aug 23, 2005 3:16 am

(This one for AngelSpice)

Dietris' son was a magnificent giant white seahorse, a little larger than Audirda. At the sight of the beautiful mermaid he flicked his tail and took shelter behind his mother.
"Come now, don't be shy Nioss." Dietris said in deep, nurturing tones. She cast a gentle sleepy glance at her nervous son.
Nioss flicked his tail and jerkily approached Audirda. He coyly turned his head to the side, avoiding eye contact with her. "Um, here. Um, it's your gift, uh, just, um, stay there!" He tilted his head back, snout pointing directly towards the surface, fluttering his fins rapidly. Throughout the Garden, the anemones and irridescent sea life began to glisten, and myriad bubbles rose up from the sea floor, filling the space around them. A warm, dreamy light enveloped Nioss as Audirda slipped into a kind of hypnosis. The light filled her senses, she could see nothing but brilliant white. A moment later the light was gone and everything had returned to normal.
She noticed that Nioss was floating before her, staring. He suddenly realized that Audirda was no longer hypnotized, and turned his head in embarrasment. The whole of his white body flushed pink and he fluttered quickly back to safety behind his mother, who made a deep, soft noise of amusement.
"I think he likes you, Audirda." She came a bit closer and continued, "Please, enjoy the Garden. If you want to you can return to the surface. Urdast tells me you have some very nice brethren. Though they are not children of the sea, it is always wise to make friends outside your element."
Dietris said nothing more, but hovered lazily in the same spot, as if awaiting Audirda's questions; or perhaps she simply had nowhere else to go. Nioss frolicked among the anemones and plants behind her, occasionally sneaking a glimpse of the mermaid.
The garden spread out in all directions, a rolling, hilly landscape of glowing life. Little fish swam amongst the scenery. In the center of the garden was a marvelous stone fountain from an era long past, obviously an artifact from the surface. It had three tiers of round basins, growing successively smaller from the base. Around the edge of the largest and lowest basin were a series of shiny white seashells, apparently empty of life, forming a ring around the fountain. Some distance away a sea cavern interrupted the garden, a soft light shining from the entranceway.
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Postby Snake_byte » Tue Aug 23, 2005 5:45 am

I take a breath still looking at the cave "Sounds cozy". "Why would someone keep him alive? He serves no purpose, tell me how to kill him or would you rather display your power little one?". Still seeing him for no more than a mere monkey trying out a power trip.

"When I leave what cocoon?" I look around just by moving my eyes. "I'm in no cocoon Little one"
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Postby Fleegle » Tue Aug 23, 2005 7:45 am

(This one for Snake_byte)

The monkey became visibly enraged as Beelzebub spoke.
"Idiot! Can't even handle a simple metaphor! I've had just about enough of you! You want a demonstration of my power do you? Very well..."

The monkey's eyes gleamed brighter than before, and a most menacing look came across his face. His look seemed to penetrate Beelzebub's essence. Suddenly Beelzebub felt an incredible shock of pain. Its wings were on fire! Worse still, it was paralyzed, much as it had been when receiving its fate. Garob relaxed his gaze, eyes returning to a diminished brilliance. The fire vanished, and Beelzebub was released from paralysis. Its wings had been burnt clean off, leaving smoldering stumps at the shoulders. A loud, menacing laugh erupted from the direction of Garob, though it did not seem to be produced by the avatar. The sound rumbled across the landscape, filling the immediate area and shaking the ground.
Garob began to speak again through the avatar. "I warned you against testing me! But noooo, you had to keep pressing! On and on about Tagus this, and Tagus that. Well now you've gone and done it haven't you? Where are your precious wings, you worthless creature?"
Feeling sufficiently satisfied with his demonstration, he assumed a down-to-business attitude. "I can undo what I have done, but you must agree to the terms I just laid out. Now not only do you get my protection, but you get your wings back!" Garob laughed mockingly as he finished. "Quite the deal I say! I wouldn't pass it up if I were you!"
Last edited by Fleegle on Thu Aug 25, 2005 2:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Fleegle » Tue Aug 23, 2005 7:48 am

<sorry, duplicate post again>
Last edited by Fleegle on Tue Aug 23, 2005 7:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Varrius » Tue Aug 23, 2005 7:48 am

OOC - Sorry for my lack of posting yesterday, I was networking my internet so it wokred for all my computers and so on and so on.

Staring at the Feather the great bird had dropped Kitty purred and lifter it into her mouth. using her paws she attached it to the end of her tail with a peice of string, where it would be both decorative and easy to reach if it was needed. Purring in a way of thanks to the Wind God, Kitty turns the MushBall and conveys that now may be a good idea to go to the Temple, as everybody else seems to be going there.

She then suggests to the MushBall that if he goes to the temple he will be recognised as they great creature he is.
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Postby Debsy » Tue Aug 23, 2005 7:59 am

Sorry I'm a little late :)

Name: Erake
Appearance: She is a very tall creature that looks like a human, but she has 4 arms instead of just two, and two legs. Two of her arms are used mostly for flying as the are attached to her long wings that are as long as she is tall. Her skin is a deep red, and her eyes are completely black. She has black hair that flows down past her ankles, but she has it wrapped around her head like a turban.

Erake emerged from the muck pond, looking very annoyed, and she wiped what little bit of it she could off of her. She looked around surveying her surroundings and spotted several odd looking creatures. She noted that some of them looked very harmless, and others looked to be capable of doing a lot of damage. She spotted a nearby tree, and decided that she'd be able to watch them all better up there, so she stretched out her wings and decided to give flying a try. Having almost no problems with it, just a little unsteady, she flies up to the tree and lets herself down on one of the branches. Erake sits down on the branch and leaned back against the tree, letting one foot hang down over the branch and the other she has bent with her foot flat against the branch, and she watches everyone cautiously.
Awkward: Having your phone go off full volume during a funeral.

Even more awkward: Your ringtone being "I Will Survive"

The most awkward: Coming back after a 10+ year hiatus and swearing I'd never come back. :twisted:
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Postby Fleegle » Tue Aug 23, 2005 8:30 am

(Schme, write your response to Kitty and then I will write a response for you and Varrius. I know I've had to do this to you guys a lot, but that's in my opinion the best way to handle certain interactions between players.)

(3shyof30rats, I'll get to your post when I wake up as promised :) And don't worry, you're not too late. That goes for other people who haven't joined. Please feel free to join in, we are still in the very early stages of the game. I will ask new people who are joining to read all the previous posts though. Thank you, and hope to see some new players. Also, the game may move a bit slower in a few days, since reality demands a few things of me then :) )
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Postby Schme » Tue Aug 23, 2005 2:51 pm

(OCC: Is not at all a problem, Varrius. None at all. I understand completely.

I quite agree with you, Fleegle. And not worry about slowing down or delay. You got stuff to do too, eh?

But I’m a bit confused? Has Urdast left yet? Or his he there? I don’t really know, at present.)

The MushBall considered this momentarily. Everyone else did seem to be taking the temple path. And a temple did seem like a very nice place, a place he would like to see. And the path was quite pretty.

“Hmmmm.” He thought. Everyone else was going to the temple, and MushBall had no intention of being unfashionable. But then again, it was him that dictated fashion, was it not? And he did not quite feel as though he was finished searching the area around the Muck Pond.

But again he thought, “This place is really becoming rather crowded and noisy, the most I’ve ever seen it. And it is really becoming full of unpleasant people, who are too simple to appreciate me. I certainly don’t want to be in their company. Perhaps I should in fact vacate, as I really must say that I do not like them at all.”

The suggestion that his endless virtue would be recognized and taken into account in dealings with him at the temple sealed the deal.

“Indeed, to the temple we shall go. I agree, oh yes, I do. It sounds like a very nice place, and I do quiet like the path which leads there. Yes, we shall go too the temple.”

And so, thanking Urdast humbly one last time and bidding him goodbye, set off on the temple path. MushBall walked with what he felt was a was a very great and majestic looking swagger. He found that he did enjoy the temple path, liking the change of scenery. A feeling of elation came to him as he walked along. The world was his oyster. Now all he had to do was find out what an oyster was, and he’d be set.

Remembering the tooth, and how grand it would look on his, he took one of the blades of long grass and tried to string it through the hole. After many failed attempts, (which he blamed on the poor quality of the grass in the stead of round nature of his hands. He then put then hung the silver fang on his neck (well, around his head and over his shoulders.).
Last edited by Schme on Tue Aug 23, 2005 11:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Varrius » Tue Aug 23, 2005 3:28 pm

Seeing the MushBall head towards the Temple, Kitty thought to herself

"Oh, What an Intelligent lifeform, im glad he thought of that Idea".

Following after him quickly Kitty Climbs up his back and onto her shoulder, believign such a strong person should be able to do enough walking for the two of them.
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Postby Fleegle » Tue Aug 23, 2005 5:34 pm

(Schme, Urdast had not left yet. I am going to write that into this post. You may edit your response if you wanted MushBall to say goodbye, give thanks or whatever, but it can't conflict with any of the posts, obviously. Try to write it keeping the current post in mind, if you decide to do that. But Kitty already thanked Urdast, so you don't really need to, if that's what you were intending. And with regards to your OOC question, that is fine, it is definitely something you are allowed to do.)

(Since the events are tied together, I'm going to write the bit for 3shyof30rats, Schme, and Varrius together.)

Urdast clicked his beak with happiness when MushBall and Kitty had accepted his gifts. "You're welcome, child." he said to Kitty. At that, he drew his mighty wings and began to beat them, charging up a powerful breeze. His talons pushed off the rock and he rose with great power into the sky.
In the meantime, Erake had emerged from the Pond and had taken residence in a tall tree overlooking much of the immediate area (OOC: NOT the Bonsai tree). Urdast spotted her and set down to rest on a higher branch in a neighbouring tree. He was about to speak to her, when Garob demonstrated his power on Beelzebub. When it was all over, Urdast clicked his beak disapprovingly.
"What a rude awakening for you, child." Urdast said in Erake's mind. "I hope that will be a lesson to you to stay away from that awful creature. He can only bring you trouble - Garob, he is called. He is the god of trickery and temptation, and he is deceitful and evil. If he ever confronts you, avoid looking into his eyes, for they have the ability to lay seige upon you. That is what happened to Beelzebub just now."
Once more he clicked his beak with disapproval. "I'm sorry child, I have yet to introduce myself. I am Urdast, god of the sky and master of wind! What do you call yourself, child?"

(This next bit is separate for Schme and Varrius)

Twilight had set in as MushBall and Kitty approached the temple; dawn would be upon them soon. The moon had sunk below the horizon by this point, and it was at times difficult to see where one was going. Fortunately, Kitty could see in the dark. As they approached the Temple, they could make out a dim blue light within.

(Okay, so just so there's no confusion, Vex/Xev are still in the Temple at this point. The Temple is in the same state as I left it at the end of my post for El_Skwidd.)
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Postby Snake_byte » Tue Aug 23, 2005 5:43 pm

With my wings burned off, my body is finally revealed. I have rather long arms, twice the length of a mans which are attached to wide palms with extra long fingers tipped with pointy claws. My body, naturally hardened when born to look like a human who is in excellent shape but not bulky like a body builder...
The loss of my wings is enraging even if I had no idea how to use them "What have you done fool!?" I scream an angry scream into the air "This is what I think of you and you cheap tricks!" I raise a hand in the air slowly but then with lighting speed decend it upon the tree trunk cutting it clean, making the top collapse to the ground.
Fruit rolls in almost every direction as I lift my hand after that small attack. I pant in and out still angry "RRRAAAAA" I pick up the tree and shake Garob out to the ground and run to cave entrance. With the tree in hand I draw it behind me slowly and agian with lighting speed I cram the tree, leaves first, into the caves mouth. "Now your Tagus can eat leaves for the rest of his naturel life!"
I walk back to Garob and pick him up by the head "YOU want me to be your partner!? Funny way of persuasion you have little one. Why are you intent on JOINING me? Why would I want a little monkey to follow me around!? Maybe you're just a another creature with a "gift" trying to trick me." I open my hand making him fall to my feet. "Those wings were of no use to me to begin with." Collecting myself, becoming calmer I stand striaght only my knees bent a little. "you're going to have to try something more than that to join me! As you can see your threat will get you no where. You're the one who wants me in this partnership not the other way around. I am perfectly capable of protecting myself"
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Postby Fleegle » Tue Aug 23, 2005 6:48 pm

(Snake_byte, I was under the impression that his wings were his arms. You didn't make that clear in your original post. I don't know if that was your intention, but you should make me aware of such things, so that I can write the story accordingly. This goes for other people too. Your characters can have hidden qualities (so long as they are not magical or supernatural), but I need to be aware of them. If you don't want to share them with the other players, send me a private message. I'm going to allow it this time, since I think that was unclear, and I am as much to blame for not anticipating the problem. But from now on, let me know the character's attributes in full in your first post or early in your game via private message.)

(This one for Snake_byte)

As the tree was lodged into the cave entrance, a loud snort and growl echoed from within the cave. The tree rustled as the monster within shook it angrily. You could see its monstrous forearms and claws ripping at the branches, leaves flying in all directions.
Garob flashed a wicked look. "You fool! You will regret this until the day you die, which may be very soon! This is no way to treat a GOD!"
Garob's skin turned a glowing red, causing the area around him to become bathed in firey light. The bonsai tree in the cave entrance burst into flames, reducing to mere ashes in a matter of moments. Garob disappeared, to be replaced with a great blazing fire. It too vanished within a few moments, leaving only a scorched patch of ground next to the stump of the tree.
Beelzebub finally got to see the Tagus with its own eyes. The tree having dissolved, the hideous dog-faced creature emerged from the cave, his enormous figure having to get down on all fours just to fit. Beelzebub was the only one still in the immediate vicinity, MushBall and Kitty having left for the Temple, and Erake high up in a tree out of harms way. Despite its stupidity, the Tagus knew where to focus its wrath. It drew up on its massive hind legs, towering over Beelzebub. It looked to be about 10 feet tall. It clearly outmatched Beelzebub in terms of size and damage potential. The massive claws were like miniature swords. The Tagus roared, revealing its lengthy and still bloody canines. The creature thundered towards Beelzebub with an enraged look in its eyes.
Last edited by Fleegle on Thu Aug 25, 2005 2:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby El_Skwidd » Tue Aug 23, 2005 7:40 pm

(Sorry for the lateness. But I'm leaving now, so it's all good :))

Vex and Xev look around, stupefied, for a moment. Everything is quiet, and they stare at the blue orb for a moment. Not noticing anything truly exceptional, they slowly turn and walk out of the Temple.

Vex cranes his neck backwards and stammers, "T-T-Thank you, Ilos-sep!"

As the two exit the temple, they see the monstrous Tagus bearing down on Beezlebub. The bonsai tree is gone, and they notice a new creature sitting high in a tree. Although they argue about almost everything, the two decide that now would be a VERY good time to hide in one's spiky shell and watch the events from there!
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Postby Fleegle » Tue Aug 23, 2005 8:22 pm

(No, it's okay El_Skwidd, I wasn't waiting on you... I was just mentioning it to Schme and Varrius so that they would know you were still there in case they wanted to comment on your presence or interact with you when/if they actually enter the temple. Just to get our chronology straight, MushBall and Kitty are outside the Temple right now, so you likely passed them on your way out. And I am going to wait until Snake_byte responds before I write your next bit.)
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Postby Debsy » Tue Aug 23, 2005 8:28 pm

Erake looked around, trying to find the voice and she spots the creature beside her. She looks at it with interest, and speaks in a low hoarse voice, "I am the one called Erake." She looked back down and watched the Tagus with anticipation, just waiting for it to devour Beelzebub. She had not liked Beelzebub when she saw him, for some reason. She didn't know why, she just knew that she disliked him. She turned back to the creature beside her and grinned. "Is he the first that Garob has ever attacked?"
Awkward: Having your phone go off full volume during a funeral.

Even more awkward: Your ringtone being "I Will Survive"

The most awkward: Coming back after a 10+ year hiatus and swearing I'd never come back. :twisted:

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