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Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:06 am
by Mr. Black
1. The ad about the golden bordello
2. "AHHHHH GOD FUCKING HELP ME!!!!!I STOLE MY BOSS'S GIRL AND HE'S TRYING TO KEEL ME!!!!!!" (that was the actual message)
3. A string: "LOL!" (few seconds later) "OOC: Aw, shit, thought I was on Runescape." (few seconds after that) "OOC: Wow, same thing happened to me a few years back....(cue long story)

Top 3 character misadventures.

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:12 am
by chase02
Mine are under four days old, drats! Good week ;)

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:34 am
by SekoETC
By overheard do you mean ones that are repeated ad nauseum or ones that were meant for someone else?

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:20 pm
by Rebma
joo wrote:...why don't you answer it then, Rebma?
Because obviously I'd never seen any good ones...though someone told me about bikes names 'a woman in her twenties'...heh

As for misadventures I don't think I have any. Except for that one character who's life is pretty much one big misadventure itself, especially the past decade..some of you know lol

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 6:16 pm
by Dudel
Misadventures? Oi vey!

1. One character did something with a gal and shouldn't have and almost got killed, so he thinks.
2. Thinking you are going to rebuild a sub town and it ends up you are one of TWO people there. He's been tricked!
3. Lost in the desert stealing stuff only to find a town that lets him steal stuff.

Top 3 player f-ups that screw you IC?

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:36 pm
by mikki
*Wiro wrote:1. Any character that got kidnapped by Adam Brinks or was with him.
2. Mikki's "blackrock slut" XD
3. Dunja

Most beatiful characters (Not express by actions like *plays with her nice, long blonde hair* but by what he or she says and thus makes you think he or she looks like.) I myself would put Kailyn on number 1. She somehow makes me think of a girl with beatiful black hair.

Wow you had to mention Melissa didn't you.. LOL

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:41 pm
by Rebma
1. When someone who has the car keys takes off down the road on foot, and you're locked in the car, in hostile territory, and they don't notice for over a day. *grr*

2. The stupid Olip harvesting projects some random started. Spend days on them for like 2%, while all your friends you were supposed to be feeding STARVE

3. Having a character attacked and accidentally pointing out the wrong person as the attacker to the town citizens...who were very awake. Yeah I finally screamed no (didn't realize right away) and then someone killed the guy just as I said it. He had pleaded the whole time it wasn't him. The real attacker got away. Everybody was

Top 3 People you'd swipe at with a sabre in cantr if your town's laws allowed it.

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:49 pm
by chase02
1. Tish O'Brien
2. Adam Brinks
3. Kendra Black

can I list more? ;)

Top 3 thefts (yours or others)?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 12:19 am
by Dust Puppy
1. A town. Or rather, the means to control it. :twisted:
2. A pickaxe. Doesn´t sound like much, but it made a big difference then.
3. Someone´s girlfriend. Happily married for some years now. :P

Top 3 characters you want your characters to meet because you read about them on the forum.

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 2:29 am
by chase02
Sure, I'll just answer those I haven't met from the "best RPed" nominations.

1. Zachary
2. Emi Martin
3. Rau Naedell Blackrock


Top 3 adventures (must be your own chars)

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 3:19 am
by joo
chase02 wrote:3. Rau Naedell Blackrock

PROTIP: eh... actually, nvm. You'll probably find out some time...

chase02 wrote:Top 3 adventures (must be your own chars)

These are the best ones I can remember at the moment:
  1. Elliania, and her pirating voyages with Tsagana on Botija's Dream, Botija's Nightmare and finally the Flawless Diamond. (they both eventually died).
  2. A character from my first (or second?) account, whose name I really cannot remember, but I can picture her as having red hair for some reason... who stole a longboat shortly after spawning and sailed across the unknown sea, eventually coming to an island whose coast she sailed along, terrorising the locals (or so she thought) until her antics drew the attention of some local law enforcement. She died after being intercepted while trying to sail inland accross a lake.
  3. Tanya Mandarine when she was captured by the Silver Queen and subsequently released. It might not have been very eventful for some characters, but provided her with some interesting RP.

Top 3 murders which your characters have participated in.

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 5:06 am
by Tangential
1. Cairo Moonbeam
2. Sciver
3. Cowboy Dan

Top 3 towns, in general, for whatever reason

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 5:25 am
by Debsy
SekoETC wrote:Oh, I definitely wanna take this one.
3. Kais (of Basillica/Tircqi, also unfortunately deceased)

Aww! Someone actually mentioned one of my old charries for a change!

Tangential wrote:2. Sciver[/b]

WTF!?!?!?!! :shock: :shock: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
Why!? :( lol

1. The old Karnon with Cassius, Adamski, and all those fun peoples. (That was a blast!)
2. Olip West and their evil sheep (hilarious!)
3. Ahhh gotta go with the old Blackrock Forest too. With Nicky Blackrock. Those were the days..../sigh

Couldn't help it. I'm making this one a 2 part-er.

Top 3 characters you love to hate AND
Top 3 characters you hate to love. ;)

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 4:07 am
by chase02
someone please answer this.. I pretty much already did a few posts back

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 4:12 am
by Mr. Black
1. That woman who started all the Emerald knight business.
2. Argos Spalos and his henchmen.
3. Whoever killed Sergei Schecter.