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Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 4:31 pm
by Tiamo
Any text will do, along with your votes of course.

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 4:36 pm
by Sebas
Oops :oops:

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:28 am
by Rebma
*jumps excitedly* Is it almost 24 hours? My goodness! I'm excited. I hope something I said wins again even if I didn't submit it. Lol.

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:35 am
by Tiamo
The SekoETC head says: "You see a man in his twenties drop some gas."

Again the Seko head prevails, but this time it was only after a hard battle that the other heads complied. The first votes were all spread out.

1) "My head is bigger than yours!"
2) "I'm bi. :wink: "
3) "I wish I wish apon a fish."
4) "this is simply to let you all know that I am being held for ransom by a renegade group of gremlins who are part of a resistance. This resistance is opposed to gremlin integration into the human society. Because of this, they have abducted me, one of the most vocal gremlin/human activists. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO FREE ME! besides the fact that i like being tied up... (uh, did i type that?) giving in to their demands will only result on future world wide domination of gremlins over humans. let my possible death (or lifetime enslavment... that could be fun) be a nessisary sacrifice for the betterment of mankind."
5) "I have a toothache. Is there a brave dentist in da house?"
6) "Holy cow you have a heart! I thought all you did was raep, redrum and of course more raep."