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Postby trexdino » Wed Jul 16, 2008 12:52 am

*he walks back below decks*
When you hope for something, you often believe in something. When you believe in something, you often have pride in it. Being proud often leads to a hating of some group.
As you can see, the Jedi are hypocrites.
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Postby Crosshair » Wed Jul 16, 2008 11:58 am

*he looks up at the knot of marines in the fighting tops, and to his men at the sides* keep down there, crouch if y'have to! If the frogs see a glint of red they'll turn us into matchwood! *he goes below deck to his cabin, and comes out wearing his grey overcoat. He then takes off his bicorne hat and stows it in the quaterdeck gangway* That should help a bit... can't have my uniform spoiling our chances, eh? *he grins at Joo*

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Postby joo » Wed Jul 16, 2008 4:27 pm

Very prudent, Lietenant. *He gestures to his nodescript but well tailored First Mate's uniform* As you see, I have already anticipated this problem, and changed my outfit accordingly -- and I'm sure the captain will remember it as well when he awakes.
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Postby Crosshair » Wed Jul 16, 2008 4:54 pm

Aye, but until then he is below anyway... *he sighs* This could go very wrong... *he glances back to the floating wreckage and still dispersing smoke of the once British transport*

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Postby joo » Wed Jul 16, 2008 5:19 pm

Jusque-là, mes connaissances de base de français devront suffire.
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Postby Crosshair » Wed Jul 16, 2008 6:53 pm

*he chuckles* Ah, bien, donc les deux peuvent parler francais. Peut etre le capitan peut essayer aussi? Bien sur pour une ruse de guerre totalment effective.

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Postby Tangential » Wed Jul 16, 2008 8:17 pm

*he shouts loudly from the line of armed men, signalling them to stand ready for further orders* CAPTAIN! Orders!
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Postby Crosshair » Wed Jul 16, 2008 8:33 pm

As the two vessels close, they seem to be on a course to pass each other broadside on... The crew on deck watch as their oppisite number approaches... And wonder at the onslaught or victory which may happen in the next few hours...

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Postby Pie » Thu Jul 17, 2008 12:12 am

In my own time, Tangential. (ooc: still having life troubles)

hmm. well they're flying our colours. and attacking an english ship.

the oldest trick in the book. hell I've even used this one before, and it was a lot more believable. Look at the ships lines, and the rigging. Doesn't seem to be french made, and it's way out of french waters.

Midshipmen toon, load the cannon and prepare to broadside! First round half cannons loaded with chain, half in cannon, secont round half chain half grape, third round grape, and we'd better get three shots off god damit, or it'll be 10 lashes for the lot of you! Carrot and stick, boys, rewards and punishment.

First officer dogonabun, use signal flags to order them to stop and ask for parlay, and steer this fine french flotilla 90 degrees starboard, crossing in front of that ship, so we can get off an early shot. Tack the sails men, portside tack at that, were truning -into- the wind. watch the merchant ship too, might not be quite dead enough for my tasts. Hup hup, men! lets be off! I need some extra men to bring out the oars and hold her steady, and prepaire to pull up all sails! And we might just bring them down again after that, eh? be ready for -anything- men, and there shouldn't be a knot out of place!

Tangential, prepare boarding parties and load your muskets! keep your sabers at the ready to, I want half the men shooting into the enimy, the other half waiting with sabrs to cut them down when we board them. shooting them on their own ship, eh? they wont know what hit them.

Prepare for the worst, everyone. you never know when demons and sons of bitches may come out of the mist, eh? come on, men, have at it!

And someone Hoist our colours god dammit! We'll be the finest looking ship to ever come against these english bastards!

Viva la france!
Last edited by Pie on Thu Jul 17, 2008 12:39 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Tangential » Thu Jul 17, 2008 12:29 am

*he motions to his men* Men, ready along the broadside!! I want men beside each cannon to take cover while gettining in position of shooting our enemy. Two men between each cannon! Prepare to alternate between shooting so there's no silence! Ready men! Wait for the Captain's orders!
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Postby Crosshair » Thu Jul 17, 2008 12:38 am

*he whispers to his men* Steady lads... after the fighting's begun, and when you get a chance, fill their quarter deck with bodies... *he looks through his glass at the enemy ship* They're clearing for action sir... *he pauses, staring some more* Sending a signal up... gibberish by our books sir... God knows what it says. *he looks over to the quarter deck, and sighs* If they're cleared for action, they're suspicious... I think we've lost surprise.

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Postby joo » Thu Jul 17, 2008 12:40 am

*He watches the approaching ship, his teeth gritted* Their movements are cautious, but not outright hostile... diplomacy may play a part in this yet. *He raises his voice* Lieutentant, I want your marines ready for battle at any moment, but to remain inconspicious. This is delicate situation - *raising his voice even louder* The first man who makes a move against orders will be shot in the back. Understand? The price for such foolishness would be much worse than one ungrateful life.
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Postby Pie » Thu Jul 17, 2008 12:41 am

(ooc: lets get an estimate, how long until you reach us?)
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Postby Crosshair » Thu Jul 17, 2008 12:42 am

OOC: Not long... if you're within range of a chaser it's got to be about two miles))

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Postby Crosshair » Thu Jul 17, 2008 12:43 am

OOC: But then again, If we can see eachother's movements, then we must be quite close. Telescopes weren't perfect back then))


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