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Im newbie and... Its possible to start the game prentending that i have an harmonica?

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 1:15 am
by bielz01
Sorry, i really dont know about the things. Dont know if an harmonica can be crafted or if exist here. Soo as roleplay my character have the possibility to already carried with him all this time an harmonica?

p.s: Sorry for any mistake with the language, not my mother language. :)

Re: Im newbie and... Its possible to start the game prentending that i have an harmonica?

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 1:40 am
by MonkeyPants4736
Harmonicas exist in game already. Welcome!

Re: Im newbie and... Its possible to start the game prentending that i have an harmonica?

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 2:36 am
by bielz01
Whoa, that's soooo nice! My favourite instrument, love play it in RL; really will be awesome have one in game, thx man.

Re: Im newbie and... Its possible to start the game prentending that i have an harmonica?

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 3:40 am
by SekoETC
To clarify, you shouldn't pretend to have anything that isn't part of your body because it says you are carrying nothing. If you want a harmonica, you need to make it or buy it or get it from someone else.

Re: Im newbie and... Its possible to start the game prentending that i have an harmonica?

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 6:34 am
by Arval
bielz01 wrote:Whoa, that's soooo nice! My favourite instrument, love play it in RL; really will be awesome have one in game, thx man.

On a slightly unrelated note, I also play the harmonica IRL :) Glad to know someone who knows the feeling.

Re: Im newbie and... Its possible to start the game prentending that i have an harmonica?

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 2:21 pm
by Chris
SekoETC wrote:To clarify, you shouldn't pretend to have anything that isn't part of your body because it says you are carrying nothing. If you want a harmonica, you need to make it or buy it or get it from someone else.

Am I missing some rule? My understanding is that you can pretend almost anything you like, and others are welcome to say that you are just pretending. Many, many characters in the game have had an incomplete grasp of hard-coded game reality.

Re: Im newbie and... Its possible to start the game prentending that i have an harmonica?

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 2:36 pm
by SekoETC
If you say that you have a harmonica and other people say "no you don't, you just spawned and you haven't picked up or been given anything", what does that contribute to the game? If you are making other people see in an emote that you have an item that you don't physically have, that is against the nature of the game, where nothing comes without labor and invested resources.

Re: Im newbie and... Its possible to start the game prentending that i have an harmonica?

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 2:40 pm
by MattWithoos
You can pretend, but either your character has to be mentally ill or know that they are pretending.

There's a gray area (IMO) for things that don't exist in the game, like tobacco, but for something that exists...

Also, Seko's point.

Re: Im newbie and... Its possible to start the game prentending that i have an harmonica?

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 3:26 pm
by the_antisocial_hermit
To illustrate the points above, there's a difference between:

5631-7: You see a man in his twenties whom you haven't seen before.

5631-7: New, naked dude says, "*He gets his rusty, old harmonica out and begins playing a merry tune.* Hey guys, did you like my song?" - which is stating explicitly that they are using something they do not physically have -


5631-7: New, naked dude says, "*He holds his hands up to his face like he were holding a harmonica, and begins making odd sounds similar to such an instrument with his voice.* I made a song for all you guys!" - which shows an awareness of the player that they do not have such a thing, though the character itself may not be aware and is much easier to go along with RP-wise

It's probably something that belongs in that poor form thread. It puts other characters/players on the spot in an awkward way if it's the first example. It can be managed through RP sometimes, especially if the player realizes the mistake and goes along with it, though OOC might be needed for some, if the player doesn't seem to get it through the RP. You can't legitimately be playing an implemented instrument that you do not have because of hard-coded game mechanics.

Re: Im newbie and... Its possible to start the game prentending that i have an harmonica?

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 4:28 pm
by Chris
Quote me the rule please. Do people get banned or otherwise punished because of this?

Re: Im newbie and... Its possible to start the game prentending that i have an harmonica?

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 5:01 pm
by Millhouse
Good luck getting an exact quote of the rules, but there's I believe a determination somewhere that game mechanics trump RP. It's like if you were to say in-game that you were farming wheat with a scythe but you are using your bare hands, or hunting with a crossbow when you're using a bone spear or driving in a limousine when you're actually walking. Since all those things exist in game, you shouldn't pretend you're using them unless you actually are.

Re: Im newbie and... Its possible to start the game prentending that i have an harmonica?

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 5:06 pm
by the_antisocial_hermit
No one claimed there was a specific rule or that anyone would report a person for punishment. If they did, it is more likely that a person might be spoken to about it, explaining why it is poor form in the case of things actually in the database (which is all anyone has stated so far).

As Millhouse said, you shouldn't say you're using them unless you are (or as in the case of my example, the character is obviously pretending/believing in something that isn't real).

Re: Im newbie and... Its possible to start the game prentending that i have an harmonica?

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 2:42 am
by MattWithoos
You're welcome to do whatever you want in the game, really, but you're just disrupting the game for others by pretending to have objects that you could just make. And if you push it you'll get the attention of PD, especially if the game is disrupted badly.

Though, really, I don't understand your argument Chris. If it's okay to RP having an object when you don't have that object, where is the line drawn? Is it okay to walk from town to town and tell everyone you're driving a car? *he steps out of his luxurious triple-decker bus and plays a tune on his harmonica* :lol: