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Cantr Philosophy

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 9:19 am
by Arachan
My Character just startet to write down his personal beliefs and I started with epistemology. Now I'm not sure how far I can write being in a grey area of the Capital Rule.

e.g. I refered to Humans as coming to existence with 20 year old body. I noticed that there will never be children in Cantr so I think u could never refer to Children ever existed. But you know your language. So does a Cantr Character know what a child is but has never seen one or is "don't be childish" an impossible term.

Can I get my texts reviewed by any PD member?

Re: Cantr Philosophy

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 1:07 pm
by Arval
I am not from the player's department but I'll put my two cents.

I believe Cantr doesn't know 'children' as 'those petite human beings who are short in stature, more or less chubby, and must learn to crawl, to walk and to talk'; but they might still exist in the sense of mentally 'naive, immature, inexperienced'. Most newspawns emerge to the world with a sense of innocence and wonder. In that sense, despite most of them becoming into adults at the speed of light, I'd call them 'Cantr's children'.

Re: Cantr Philosophy

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 3:55 pm
by Vanya
I LOVE this kind of stuff. Not being from the PD, I can still say you are not going against the CR. You are just filling some empty part of the Cantr lore with from a subjective perspective of things. What I would actually change is the word "humans", replacing it with "cantrians". Just a personal point of view.

Whatever. Returning to the topic, cantrians (or humans) may have never seen a child before, but nobody said anything about the posibility of seeing animals giving birth, or even pups, cubs, kits, and whatever other kind of animals´s childs. So having that empty spot too and with the rules or game´s description saying just nothing about it... Well, you can use that way.

Some of my characters actually have asked things like this to others, and most people roled like animals actually have and had offsprings. *shrugs*

Re: Cantr Philosophy

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 4:56 pm
by Arachan
I'd not call them Cantrians because Human (from latin Earth (as the ground not the Planet)) is quite accurate for Cantr. As people just come to existence thinking they came out of the ground makes them Human. Thats why we bury them there again.
Cantrian in real would be like calling us Terranians therefore it would be better description for someone of Cantr-Island - like British or German.

Animals I can always say multiply but never that the sheep had a lamb. Because I can see that there are more Sheep but no difference like age or colour. It's just the game Mechanics.

As I have to define that all people are of the same weight and can carry the same amount of weight independently from strenght.

Re: Cantr Philosophy

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 5:21 pm
by Vanya
Well... The thing about "humans" or "cantrians" is discussable, since nobody said the characters come from the earth. They just pop, and its actually left to the players´s imagination how the appeared. There is actually a pretty funny thread about it somewhere in the forums, with people saying they just come into scene from behind a bush, or they come from other reality with no memories, or they are teleported, or something. There is no official consensus about the topic, so its like they "just born". So they can come from whatever place you can imagine, and thats actually a really interesting thing you can write about!! The way people is born.

But just cause that, there is no root then for a word that will name the people. Something like "human" has no solid relation, and "cantrian", "sentient being", or whatever other name, can be used freely, I guess. I prefer "cantrian"... Even if one of my characters is actually against that and is gonna make his/her/its own word for it in a far-from-now future.

About animals, you are right. I only use what I saw in role, but the mechanics are that animals just "spawn", even if people play like there are little birdies, and froggies, and so. There is no floor for that.

Re: Cantr Philosophy

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 6:29 pm
by Arachan
I think many people try to fill Real-World-logics to enhance the Roleplay. That why its so hard to describe empirical. Like sometime ago a player watches the moon and the stars. But there is no moon described in the game.

Do I recognize this and define Reality diffrent from person to person or should i Ignore what they said and only describe what is real to the game?

Re: Cantr Philosophy

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 6:44 pm
by Vanya
Arachan wrote:Do I recognize this and define Reality diffrent from person to person or should i Ignore what they said and only describe what is real to the game?

Thats a pretty good question. A character of mine is actually gathering all the knowledge it can, even if limited by the only language it knows. This not only to save Cantr literature, history, and knowledge, but also to have some kind of solid piece of players´s-made lore where it can put a foot safely.

I suggest that we all should discuss this kind of things and see if there is some real interest in putting some kind of solid lore to the game, or if its just "up to everyone", and accept everything like aceptable, even if some description of the world is absolutely contradictory with another.

But guessing and discoursing about where the characters are born from is a really good point to make philosophy. Specially because its an existential grey point that will always be left in grey, no matter what. So having a philosophy current or school about that its actually awesome.

Re: Cantr Philosophy

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 10:29 am
by witia1
Question like this only shows one of "plot holes" in Cantr.
As to many possibilities are valid and non of them can be verified.
Animals give birth so cantrians need to? But do animals give birth?
It's why I hate children characters. Yes they can be well created, fun to play with but it only increases confusion (how the heck all are 20 and older and suddenly you got child in town).
It's not certain so easly can bring discussion to level of mental illness as one side will say of course it happend yesterday (as let say new sheep apeared) and other side will say that it never happend.
Also matter of day and night. Once I saw people arguing about that if there is now day, night or whatever. Or asking what even this day and night is. And again there is no good answer to this question.
We as humans are brains of cantrians and we are bringing to their heads to many things that are to us common knowlege and are quite hard to explain in Cantr.

Sometimes it looks like all cantrians are simply on LSD and that would be perfect explanation. Every one sees what he sees and they all are right.