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Re: So, how old are you really?

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 9:09 pm
by Rebma
joo wrote:
Kelli wrote:I accidentally made a typo today in which I used the word "his" in an emote.

The other player immediately showed concern, asking me about my gender and age, telling me that if I was a minor, I shouldn't be doing this. Well, I'm a girl and I'm 23, but I have to admit....I was highly impressed and glad to know people still have couth. His concern was very tasteful, and I'm happy that he asked. I encourage other players to do the same.

:? how would you accidentally using the wrong pronoun lead him to suspect that you were a "minor?" And how is it "couth" and "tasteful" to intrude on people's privacy by asking them personal OOC questions and disturbing the immersion and flow of RP?

I was thinking what Joo said. Sounds more like asking for age was a cover-up for making sure there's a femme behind the femme, which is quite opposite from something good.

Re: So, how old are you really?

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 9:52 pm
by SumBum
Rebma19 wrote:
joo wrote:
Kelli wrote:I accidentally made a typo today in which I used the word "his" in an emote.

The other player immediately showed concern, asking me about my gender and age, telling me that if I was a minor, I shouldn't be doing this. Well, I'm a girl and I'm 23, but I have to admit....I was highly impressed and glad to know people still have couth. His concern was very tasteful, and I'm happy that he asked. I encourage other players to do the same.

:? how would you accidentally using the wrong pronoun lead him to suspect that you were a "minor?" And how is it "couth" and "tasteful" to intrude on people's privacy by asking them personal OOC questions and disturbing the immersion and flow of RP?

I was thinking what Joo said. Sounds more like asking for age was a cover-up for making sure there's a femme behind the femme, which is quite opposite from something good.

Agreed. Asking for age = good. Asking for gender = creepy.

If the person has issues with roleplaying certain scenarios based on the other player's gender then they shouldn't be getting into those certain scenarios period. Sounds too personal to me.

I'd prefer avoiding any OOC breakup of the RP, but I see nothing wrong with checking age. I've done it via PD and I've had other players check with me IG. That I don't mind because there are legal issues.

Re: So, how old are you really?

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 4:38 am
by randognsac
I could be 16 but say Iam 31. Will you know?
Statutory rape imo. At least by the laws set by the usa. Only way to beat that is to be Michael Jackson!

Re: So, how old are you really?

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 10:49 pm
by gejyspa
No, randognsac, but if you used due diligence and were assured by the other person that they are not a minor, it's an affirmative defense against prosecution.

Re: So, how old are you really?

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 3:56 am
by randognsac
I don't have faith in the judicial system, so I will not put my life in the hands of a slimy lawyer. The best "defense" is to not have to need one. That is why I don't take a womans word for it. I check ID's if they look youngish. Even if nothing sexual is goin on, I don't want to get busted for having a beer with an underage person. I guess I am weird that way. Being a single dad with a past record will make you vary wary. People lie all the time and I wont put my trust into them if my kids are at stake. I would at least keep all cantrsex encounters in a file if I were a cantrsex guy.

Re: So, how old are you really?

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:10 pm
by Alladinsane
My understanding of the law is that something like Cantrsex would not be illegal. When you are RP or even in a chatroom; talking dirty, while distasteful (at least to me) is not illegal. Since we have actually, in the US, started making certain types of thoughts illegal (i.e. 'hate' crimes etc), it may eventually become outlawed.

Where someone would be crossing the line is when a solicitation is made when the solicitor clearly knows (or believes) that he is chatting with a minor. We just got two people here in the Orlando area for that yesterday; of course they were not talking to minors, but members of the Sheriff's dept. It wouldn't even be news here in disneyland except that the perps were a teacher and...crud, I forget now. It was somebody of community prestige.

A close family friend had her brother arrested in Orlando several years ago for soliciting what he thought was a minor (it was a cop). But they had pre-arranged a meeting and he was supposed to give a particular sign when he showed up at the meeting spot, mess with his hat or something. He was quickly swooped in upon and is currently paying his debt to society I guess, I kinda lost track since his sister has no desire to see him again (she has kids!).

To make a long story into one of medium length...its just not worth it really.

Re: So, how old are you really?

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 4:02 pm
by Hommer
Well im 18 and been playing since i was like between 12 and 14

Re: So, how old are you really?

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 5:11 pm
by Joshuamonkey
Hommer wrote:Well im 18 and been playing since i was like between 12 and 14

Wow, nice job bringing back this thread haha.

..I just updated my poll response.

Re: So, how old are you really?

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 5:41 pm
by HFrance
Joshuamonkey wrote:..I just updated my poll response.

Me too. Now I'm joining the 3% grandpas. :P

Re: So, how old are you really?

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 8:23 pm
by SekoETC
It doesn't allow updating votes anymore.

Re: So, how old are you really?

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 10:44 pm
by Joshuamonkey
SekoETC wrote:It doesn't allow updating votes anymore.

This may be a bug? The poll does have re-voting enabled. I even tested your forum user permissions..

Re: So, how old are you really?

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 11:48 pm
by MattWithoos
SekoETC wrote:It doesn't allow updating votes anymore.

There's a tiny radiobox next to each bar/graph (on the left of the graphic) - can you see it? Maybe it disappears after a while for people who already voted?

Re: So, how old are you really?

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 1:44 am
by Rebma
Oh jeez. Updated mine as well haha.

Re: So, how old are you really?

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 5:36 am
by SekoETC
I can see the radio circles but none of them is selected. I think it recognizes that I have voted before but not for which one I have voted or something? I don't know how Joshuamonkey could make it work.

Re: So, how old are you really?

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 1:01 pm
by nateflory
Drat, can't count myself among the 1% (er.. 3%) quite yet. But good to know I'm.. lets perceive it as "ahead of the curve!" lol