Cantr not working? Check here first.

Buiten-karakter discussielijst voor Nederlandstalige spelers.

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Doug R.
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Re: Cantr not working? Check here first.

Postby Doug R. » Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:14 pm

Due to the second Zombie Apocalypse, the game has been locked. There is no estimated fix time, but the staff member that defeated the zombies the first time is on the case again, so hopefully it'll take less time. Diagnosing the problem is also a major aspect of this, and since our only good theory was just disqualified (yes, just now!), we're a bit clueless at the moment.

Go rent Zombieland in the meantime. (GREAT FLICK!)

(Disclaimer: This illegally used image is not from Zombieland)
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Re: Cantr not working? Check here first.

Postby Doug R. » Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:48 pm

Fixed super-fly fast! Zombies defeated!
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Re: Cantr not working? Check here first.

Postby Doug R. » Wed Aug 25, 2010 9:21 pm

SekoETC wrote:Well, the game went down because I was looking into the people that registered and never logged in but the query was too complicated so it choked the database. Gotta wait until the execution times out before stuff works again. Gotta hate it when that happens. I mean one or two sleepers could be ignored but if there's about 8 or 10 of them, it's hard to pretend you didn't notice the huge jump in the "where you see X characters".
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Re: Cantr not working? Check here first.

Postby Doug R. » Thu Aug 26, 2010 10:36 am

Alright, we're back up.
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Re: Cantr not working? Check here first.

Postby Doug R. » Fri Aug 27, 2010 11:59 pm

We're aware of the service issues, but, unfortunately, none of the few people in a position to do anything about it are available. We apologize and will try to correct the problem as soon as possible.
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Re: Cantr not working? Check here first.

Postby Doug R. » Sat Aug 28, 2010 1:14 pm

The problem has been solved (obviously).
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Re: Cantr not working? Check here first.

Postby Doug R. » Tue Sep 14, 2010 2:27 pm

Due to an ongoing hack attack, the game has been locked indefinitely. I'll post more information when I have it.
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Re: Cantr not working? Check here first.

Postby Doug R. » Tue Sep 14, 2010 3:44 pm

The game will not be unlocked until tomorrow at the earliest. There's been some damage done, but not to the extent of the last mega-death attack. Before we unlock, we want to make an attempt at keeping this from happening again, so it could take time. Thank you, as always, for you patience and persistence. We know of two accounts that were unsubscribed. If anything seems off regarding your characters or account, please contact support.

Gra będzie zablokowana najkrócej do jutra. Zostały dokonane pewne zniszczenia, na szczęście nie tak wielkie jak ostatni atak mega-śmierci. Przed odblokowaniem gry, spróbujemy zapobiec przyszłym atakom, a to może zająć nam trochę czasu. Dziękuję, jak zawsze, za Waszą wytrwałość i cierpliwość. Wiemy, że dwa konta zostały usunięte. Jeśli zauważycie cokolwiek złego lub dziwnego z Waszymi postaciami lub (before:kontakt; should be:)kontami, proszę skontaktować się ze wsparciem technicznym.

(thank you diavel)
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Re: Cantr not working? Check here first.

Postby Doug R. » Wed Sep 15, 2010 12:09 pm

All, the attack is ongoing, and the damage has become extensive. We do suspect that it is a current/former player, so if anyone knows or has heard anything, I would like to hear from you. The hacker has completely covered their tracks, so I fear the only way to put an end to this will be community policing.

Given the extent of the damage, we are not giving an estimated time to recovery.

Someone out there, someone you may know, has seriously screwed up Cantr. Please help us catch them.

This is the main place to get information and updates about the downtime, however, there is the Google Group, Cantr Announce, that will be used if necessary. The group is open to anyone, but is moderator post only, so you won't receive spam.

Translations of this announcement into all languages are most welcome and necessary.

pipok wrote:Atak trwa, a szkody stały się poważne. Przypuszczamy, że za atakiem stoi aktywny lub były gracz, więc jeśli ktoś coś wie albo zasłyszał, dajcie nam znać. Hacker całkiem zatarł tropy, więc obawiamy się, że jedyną metodą przerwania tego wszystkiego będzie policja środowiskowa.

Biorąc pod uwagę rozmiary szkód, nie podajemy żadnego orientacyjnego czasu przywrócenia gry do działania.

Ktoś tam, być może ktoś kogo znacie, poważnie schrzanił Cantra. Prosimy, pomóżcie go złapać.

Tutaj jest główne miejsce, gdzie uzyskacie informacje i aktualizacje na temat przestoju, jednak istnieje również grupa google'owa, Cantr Announce, z której w razie z potrzeby będziemy korzystać. Grupa jest otwarta dla każdego, ale tylko moderator może tam publikować, więc nie otrzymacie spamu.

Tłumaczenia niniejszego ogłoszenia na wszystkie języki są bardzo mile widziane i potrzebne.

Aha, jeszcze dla tych, którzy już spanikowali: wszystko jest w backupie. Potrzebujemy tylko nieznanej nam ilości czasu na naprawę.

Zoals jullie merken, is het spel Cantr momenteel niet beschikbaar. Er was een aanval, en naar nu blijkt is die nog steeds gaande. Het spel zal pas weer vrijgegeven worden wanneer we de aanval het hoofd hebben geboden en indien mogelijk de opgelopen schade hersteld is. We vermoeden dat de aanval het werk is van een huidige of voormalige speler, dus als je iets weet of gehoord hebt, laat het me dan weten. De schade van de aanval heeft ertoe geleid dat de sporen van de aanvaller gewist zijn, dus is de beste manier van aanpak dat onze hele emeenschap, medewerkers en spelers, de boel in de gaten houden. Hoe dan ook, het kan misschien dus wel een tijdje duren voordat het spel weer vrijgegeven wordt. Wij danken jullie voor je geduld en begrip in deze kwestie. We weten dat er door deze kwestie twee accounts zijn opgezegd, helaas. Als er iets niet in de haak lijkt betreffende je karakters, of je account, neem dan a.u.b contact op met support.
Dit forum is de belangrijkste bron van informatie betreffende het verloop van deze kwestie en de status van Cantr, maar ook de Google groep (Cantr Announce, te vinden op zal voor meldingen gebruikt worden.
Cantr Announce is open voor iedereen, maar alleen beheerders kunnen daar berichten plaatsen, dus hoef je je daar geen zorgen te maken over spam.

Vertalingen van deze melding in alle talen zijn zeer welkom en nodig.

Oh, en mocht je je zorgen maken na deze berichten, we hebben back-ups, het enige punt is dat we een nog onbekende tijd nodig hebben voor het daadwerkelijke herstel.

Leute, der (Hacker-)Angriff geht weiter, und der angerichtete Schaden ist inzwischen ziemlich schlimm. Wir nehmen an, dass es ein aktiver oder ehemaliger Spieler ist, also falls irgendjemand was weiss oder was gehoert hat, dann meldet euch bitte bei uns. Der Hacker hat seine Spuren gut verwischt, also befuerchte ich der einzige Weg den Angriff zu stoppen ist eine Ueberwachung durch die Spielergemeinschaft.

Basierend auf dem Ausmass des Schadens koennen wir nicht sagen, wie lang es dauert alles wiederherzustellen.

Irgendjemand da draussen, jemand den ihr vielleicht kennt, hat Cantr uebelst mitgespielt. Bitte helft uns, den oder die Verantwortlichen zu erwischen.

Obwohl hier (dieses Forum/dieser Thread) der beste Platz ist, um Informationen ueber die Ausfallzeit und den aktuellen Stand zu erhalten, gibt es ausserdem noch die Google-Gruppe "Cantr Announce", die benutzt wird, sollte das noetig werden. Die Gruppe steht allen offen, aber nur Moderatoren koennen dort etwas schreiben, damit niemand von Spam belaestigt wird.

PS: Fuer alle, die Angst bekommen haben: es gibt eine Sicherungskopie. Wir brauchen nur eine unbestimmte Zeit fuer Reparaturen.

Illey wrote:Saldırı devam ediyor ve hasar büyük bir hale geldi. Saldırıyı yapanın eski veya hala oyuna devam eden bir oyuncu olmasından şüpheleniyoruz. Bu yüzden eğer bir şey duyduysanız ya da biliyorsanız, bizi bilgilendirin. Saldırgan, izlerini tamamen sildi, korkarım ki bu yüzden bu duruma son vermenin tek yolu saldırganı ihbar etmek olacak.

Hasarın boyutu göz önünde tutulduğunda, düzeltme için yaklaşık bir zaman veremiyoruz.

Birisi, belki de sizin tanıdığınız birisi, Cantr’yi ciddi anlamda alt üst etti. Lütfen onları yakalamamıza yardım edin.

Arıza süresi boyunca bilgi edinmek için forumu takip edin, ancak gerekli durumlarda kullanılacak bir Google Grubu: Cantr Announce var.Grup herkese açık ama yalnızca moderatörler e-posta gönderebileceğinden gereksiz posta almayacaksınız.

Theda wrote:El ataque sigue activo y el daño se ha vuelto extensivo. Sospechamos que es un jugador activo o un ex jugador, así que si alguien ha oído algo, me gustaría saber de usted. El hacker tiene cubiertas sus pistas completamente, así que me temo que la única forma de poner fin al ataque será mediante la policía comunitaria.

Dada la magnitud de los daños, no vamos a dar una estimación de tiempo para la recuperación.

Alguien ahí fuera, alguien que usted puede conocer, ha fastidiado seriamente Cantr. Por favor, ayúdenos a capturarlos.

Este es el lugar principal para obtener información y actualizaciones durante el tiempo de inactividad, sin embargo, existe el grupo Google, Cantr Announce, que se utilizará si es necesario. Está abierto a cualquier persona, pero está moderado, por lo que no recibirá spam.
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Doug R.
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Re: Cantr not working? Check here first.

Postby Doug R. » Wed Sep 15, 2010 12:22 pm

Oh, and for those of you that just panicked, everything is backed up. We just need an indeterminate amount of time for repairs.
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Re: Cantr not working? Check here first.

Postby Doug R. » Fri Sep 17, 2010 2:18 pm

Well, I don't have much to update. The more EchoMan digs, the more maggots we find, so to speak, and we can't start fixing it until we get rid of the garbage. I can guarantee you that you won't have Cantr this weekend, so you can feel safe wandering away from your computers and experiencing sunlight. Only EchoMan can give a timeline on how long this will take to fix, but he'll do so when he's ready - asking him takes time away from fixing it ;)
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Re: Cantr not working? Check here first.

Postby Doug R. » Sat Sep 18, 2010 11:57 am

At the worst possible moment, the host for the forum server has informed us that they'll be moving the forum to a new server "within the next 7 days." If the new server has a different IP address, it'll take time for the DNS entries to propagate, which means the forum may appear missing for a while, depending on where you are (just like when they moved the Cantr server). However, since the forum doesn't depend on anything else external to function, I don't foresee any further problems.
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Re: Cantr not working? Check here first.

Postby EchoMan » Sat Sep 18, 2010 12:35 pm

When we know what the new IP-address is, we will post a working Link to the new forum-location on the Cantr start page,

Edit: Apparently the forums are already moved to the new server, and it went flawlessly without any hiccups... that's a first. :shock:
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Re: Cantr not working? Check here first.

Postby Doug R. » Mon Sep 20, 2010 12:43 pm

Things are looking brighter. I can't give any details, and while we're not out of the woods yet, there's cause to be optimistic at this point.
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Re: Cantr not working? Check here first.

Postby Doug R. » Wed Sep 22, 2010 2:06 am

The hacker has been identified, and the police notified. Thankfully, they're taking it seriously. I want to thank Marol for going far above and beyond the call of duty in handling this matter personally. The Cantr community already owes him a debt of gratitude for all the work he's done. Please let your appreciation be known.

With the hacker now attempting to avoid prosecution, we can hope that the immediate danger to Cantr has passed. EchoMan has a multi-point plan for game recovery, which now can be accelerated somewhat. However, we can't rush. This episode has caused somewhat of a ruckus, so it is probable that there is a wider community now aware of Cantr's security problems. I want to thank all of your for your continued patience.
Hamsters is nice. ~Kaylee, Firefly

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