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The I AM thread. (The 4-day rule applies!)

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 10:10 am
by JoeF
Post a line about each of your chars!

I am a Praetorian of Blojt...
I am a refugee from the Lad empire...
I am sailing out to find new worlds...
I am getting much needed wood for the people of P**
I am a criminal mastermind...
I am on a mission to build an Outpost...
I am a Medic of Siom, with issues...
I am a smithy for the de Dannan...
I am a gravedigger...
I am an irritating little shit...
I am an Iron Trader...
I am a merchant...
I am a firey tempered Stone Knight...
I am an illiterate, fun loving simple fellow...

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 10:51 am
by Nick
I am going through a midlife crisis right now, and have left my clothing store to sail.
I have been sitting in this cell for a LONG time now! And the dead bodies are starting to speak to me....
I am trying to deal with the newly elected people I have to work with in my town.
I am a coward... waiting for something to do.
I am h...h.... hiding from life.
I am enjoying my relationship forming with my companion... perhaps I shall not kill him.
I am sailing away from my home island... and I am lost.
I am pretty dang bored working in here...
I am getting rich, but don't really know what I should do with my wealth.
Um found oil!
I am looking for a job. It seems that as active as I am, no one has the need for me.
I am laughing at how I conned Akypor out of a ton of crap. I am also running away.
I am enjoying life in Karnon Imperial Army. I crave more responsibility.
I am getting suspicious of those Dutch folk in my town.
I forgot my damn bike, and am going back to get it. I am also starving.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 12:28 pm
by SekoETC
I am gathering he-ma-tite!

I am mourning next to the corpse of a dead friend, hoping one day I'll find the ones who killed him and get revenge.

I am wishing my town would get more citizens, ones that stay alive.

I am hurt and scared.

I am alone, planning to build a boat... wondering if that woman will be still there... damnit I mustn't look at her then or I'll hit my finger with a stone hammer for sure... Don't even think about it! ...You're hopeless, just concentrate on the wood now.

I am weavin' cloth, as always, hopin' a pretty gal would walk in through that door an' stay.

I am mining coal. Soon I can't carry any more and then I'll have to go. This place is so different from all the others, maybe one day I could come back for good. But it's been so silent lately, and my feet are restless. If only someone would give me a reason to settle down.

I am going home, finally.

I am planning to help this man get healed.

Mey's Jay. Jay biiigg mann! Jay lichs taters.

I am with the woman I love, in our new cottage... could this be home now? I'm still longing for a place I can't even remember, hoping, waiting... unable to let go of the scraps of a dream.

I am unable to believe that she could really be doing what they claimed... but then again..... Why can't this town be a nice, calm place?

I am on the way home, just waiting for somebody to wake up before we can go.

I am 'bout to go on a boat trip to who knows where, sheesh I ain't nervous man, no way! ...Or okay, mabbe a little.

I am burying corpses. Just 63 to go. After that, I don't know...

OOC: I am hoping no one will start complaining about breaking the four day rule and expressing character thoughts.

Edit: Oh great, dead characters!

I was killed for helping to drag people out of a car that happened to be stolen, and I refused to attack anyone even though I was handed a sword to defend myself.

I was unable to find my place in life and after seeing the whole island, I gave up.

I was Cantr's first brain surgery patient (and lived a few days after).

I was killed by animals (in the Swedish area).

I was the first person to escape from the Barons and warn people of their existence.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 12:57 pm
by Doodle_Jack
I am planning to start a foundation to honour my saviour.

I am tired of chasing thiefs without getting payed.

I would rather not go back, but I have to. Chin up!

I'm a drifter seeking something, but I don't know what. I can feel however that it's out there... somewhere....

I will be rich someday, but first I have to get out of here.

I hope this will not be my carreer.

I'm being haunted by my former victims.

I'm scared of death, but I'll be safe as long as I stay here and keep low.

I'm near death. This is not going according to plan.

I can't stand the cruelty, but I'm powerless to do anything against it.

Every day the same faces, the same walls, the same labour, the same food. Tomorrow there will be another one of those days. *sighs*

I don't mind doing the nasty chores. I don't mind anything at all.

How can I kill everyone, steal everything and get away with it?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 2:23 pm
by rklenseth
Hmmm....this is hard. I had a lot of characters....

I was a General of the Imperial Guard of the Alexian Empire
I was the President of Quillanoi, founder of the library in Quillanoi, slayer of Richard Cromwell, journalist in Quillanoi
I was a traveler and mapmaker from Pok
I was a spy for the First Krif Empire, spy for the Smoke Jaguars (aka the Alliance), traitor to the Smoke Jaguars, spy for Seatown Forest, a Seatown Warrior, a Protector of the Forest, a clothing manufacturer, a metal manufacturer
I was the Commander of Arms of the Drojf Republic, Vice President of the Drojf Republic
I was a simple wheat farmer in Cantr City
I was the founder of the DoUrden Estates and DoUrden Mercenary Company, a thief in Cantr City
I was Siom Sheriff Deputy Commander
I was on the Second Council of Tircqi, a businessman, creator of the Councilhead
I was the personal bodyguard of Lord Tony Stewart, a woodsman, a Praetorian Guard
I was a steelworker in Krif
I was the founder of the Silver Knights of Southern Moku, devout of the Unnamed Ones
I was a ship's captain of the Hercva & Sawyer on Karnon Island

There is more but I can't think of them right now....

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 3:23 pm
by Snake_byte
I'm on a boat

I'm an active semi-citizen

I'm grouchy

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 3:50 pm
by mortaine

I am also a Praetorian of Blojt
I am trying hard not to be a spy.
I am secretly a thief waiting for an opportunity for a big score.
I am secretly insane, but harmless.
I am secretly suspicious that my best friend is a liar and a thief.
I am mute and love someone from afar.
I am a newlywed.
I am on a boat.
I am honor-bound to return to the hometown of a recent corpse and deliver a message.
I am returning to the hometown of a recent corpse to find out if there's a reward.
I am in love with a sleeper, and I don't even know how we fell in love.
I am the hardest worker in town, and only a few people know it.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 4:27 pm
by west

I was the person who recommended the Cantr City Gravediggers in the early 200s, (the note stayed there for something like 20 years).

I spawned in the Lad Empire and was killed during an inactive sweep.

I ran for Drojf Council and failed, and shortly thereafter founded the Nossé.

I was killed by Nathan Holmes, although they told my friends I was killed by Gregor Mac Gregor.

I built Bowen Manor in Pok, then joined the road crew with Murrot Lange (or Blythe, I forget) and died in the middle of the desert.

I worked for Krame Rubber Co. in Cantr City, and traveled as far as Xiria to get it.

I lived in Blaman but traveled to Sjoftich, where I got a sabre and shield for promising to work for King Ox, though I never did.

I was a furniture-maker in Blojt, killed in a massacre.

I traveled from Cantr City to Lad, changed my name and built boats for the army.

I was stuck on a boat for over 6 years going from Dory to Longinazy. When I got to Longinazy Forest west, I was killed by the idiot who ran it over a dispute with my traveling partner.

I was an Explorator for Tencious Grax.

I was a wanderer on Aki until the age of 40, when I was killed by bears.

I lived on Dhung island and was killed in the massacres.

[I thought I was a sheep.

I was a Lance Cpl in the Lad Army.

I was a silent man in the German area.

I was a wanderer in the Alenz/Cantr area. I joined the resistance against Piers Anthony]

(I killed the above 4 people ~20 years ago when I trimmed down my account).


I am the owner of an old corporation, and I am getting married.

I am leading a voyage to new lands.

I have dedicated my life to justice.

I've killed perhaps 50 people, though none recently.

I sail around the world in my raker.

I am a Stone Knight , far from home.

I am a deposed former leader, aging less-than-gracefully.

I am a Mac Gregor.

I am a young girl who's good with a longbow.

I am a young army officer.

I am a newspawn.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 4:27 pm
by ephiroll
I am working for a good trader who seems to have his head on right.

I am dreaming of killing everyone in the town because I've been asked if I want a job 3 times and introduced myself 5 times and so far still don't have a job and no one can remember my name.

I am a petty theif healing myself from the last run from the law.

I am wondering if I'll ever be paid anything for all my work.

I am working for a giggling young couple and need to escape with my sanity.

I am being very well paid for my services.

I am still waiting for one of two people to tell me I have a job after they've (finally) asked me to verify what kind of work I want.

As for dead chars I'll just do a few I can remember, or rather the few I think are worth remembering.

I was a map maker from Siom.

I was one of those who directed the construction of Siom from the ground up.

I helped lead an Empire to it's pinnicale of power and led the way to the massacre that brought an end to that era.

My sword kept talking to me till I lost it.

I spent years trying to clear my name before being ambushed and killed by the person I went looking for to do the same to.

I was holed up in the mountains planning world domination and the accention to a higher level.

I was in the first Tircqi council.

I took part in the first Pok council.

I tried to escape in a boat so loaded down with swag that it would barely move.

I helped overthrow an Emperor and bring peace to a forest.

And many more...

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 4:28 pm
by Antichrist_Online
I am a crooked merchant
I am a tired baker
I am a travelling medic
I am the killer of lions
I am a benevolent dictator
I am collecting hematite
I am owner of a company and travelling with my girlfriend
I am an officer in a peace keeping force
I am a sailing philantropist.
I am a seemstress
I am a weaponsmith
I am bored with all this pollitics
I am collecting salt for my friends
I am preparing for my next stone pillar.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 8:53 pm
by Junesun
This sounds almost like poems. Perhaps we could use some in an advertising campaign in order to illustrate the endless possibilities and the ways history can be written in Cantr?

Here goes for some of my characters:
I was a thief and a scientist and a thief and a victim.
I was a pawn in game I didn't know.
I was mad.
I am a brooding warrior without a cause.
I am young, happy and trusted.
I am one for all and all for one.
I am a silent leader.
I am a mapmaker that keeps getting lost.
I am a vengeful near-savage.
I am a thief in a fortress with lots of stolen riches.
I am discovering the most intriguing fauna and yet not finding what I set out to seek.
I am.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 9:05 pm
by Ahoyhoy
I am smellin' like the rose that somebody gave me on my birthday deathbed

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 9:20 pm
by Schme
Oh Crist no, this will go on forever!

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 10:28 pm
by black knight
i like to keep only a few at a time and spend all the time on them..

I am wondering wether i made the right decision throwing away an opportunity presented to me on a silver platter in hope of " long term prospects" i also recently organised elections.

I am digging for coal and Arguing with some townsfolk over a petty issue.

I am being called home.... but i expected the call come in better times and with some kind of a reward.

I am madly in love with her, and she's madly in love with me.....although we're both newspawns.... we already have our dreams.

I am a new spawn in a good town. but i dont care whats going on around me... i dont even listen to others talk... i just sleep....thats all i do....

I am bored stiff here.... hoping i had something interesting to do...

I was.....

I was 22 years old and killed in the massacre of Moku.(new to the game back then)

I was working for the new Drojf forgery....sent on a mission..... angry on being abandoned in a foreign land.... died of starvation and sleeping sickness on the way back home.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 11:11 pm
by Nixit
I am a workaholic... working...

I am traveling across the desert.

I am grieving...

I am repairing while waiting.

I am repairing.

I am a Member of the Temple of the Unnamed Ones and am overseeing the Order of the Town.

I am lazing around for I have just returned to my home!

I am reading some poems.