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Cutting back.....

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 2:10 am
by Mitch79
Hi guys. I know I'm rarely here anymore on the forum. And I feel bad about this but my character list is about to get extremely short. Some of my more well known will be going and I'm sorry for those around them. I've thought it over for months and months and tried to hold onto them but with real life kicking my butt right now, there's just no way. I'm not leaving the green screen completely but I do need to take a major step back due to family health issues right now.

In late June my dad was diagnosed with cancer. In July we found out he's already at stage 4a esophageal late stage cancer. It came as quite a shock and is taking a good bit of my time. It will likely get worse before it gets better seeing as they have now only given him 6 mths to a year left (medically). For the last year he's been unable to eat anything and been on a liquid diet. We found out two months ago it's because of the growth in his esophagus and not his lifetime acid reflux causing the issue. Now I know that God works in mysterious ways and he can still provide a miracle. However, that may not be his plan. I do ask for prayers and if you don't pray for positive thoughts. We do have a gofundme set up for him as well if anyone is interested, you'll just need to message me. I don't want to post it here. But in the meantime, I'll be around still...just not near as active.

I'm sorry for those that love the characters I'm losing and want you guys to know I always enjoy playing with you all.

Re: Cutting back.....

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 3:28 am
by Money
Cancer is a tough battle to watched a loved one fight. Your father and family will be in my prayers.

Re: Cutting back.....

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 12:51 pm
by Alladinsane
Hi Randi,

I documented my own (actually more my wife's) journey down this painful road in May. I just want to hug you and tell you the painful lie that it is a journey we all take; but it seems each one is more personal and tailored to our own lives and loves. I wish I could tell you that it will end different eventually (and God does heal when it goes to his glory!), but for all of us and those that we love, it is a rough journey. Sometimes I wish I never knew, in my own case as well as in the lives of those I love... is a sudden shock more merciful than a long slow dread of the inevitable? I still have yet to know.

What I can say is that you don't have to walk this journey alone... there are resources and people available to be with you during these hard times through hospice and church organizations. We had many visits from a priest (her father was Catholic) who came into our house and sang for him and us and nurses who would bathe shave and change his bedding, it was a comfort and relief for those of us who attended him in those last few weeks. These services are often low-cost or even free and provide a measure of comfort for both the person and the family who can be just exhausted from staying up nights waiting for signs or words of hope.

I know you are strong, we have spoken before when times were rough. You will get through this, its something we all have to tragically face if we are close with our parents through life and you will be close with him throughout eternity no matter what the outcome of this is. I already have prayed before for you and will continue. I just hope that the journey can be free of pain for him either way, I know its already painful for you. Many hugs and kind words go out your way, today and in the future. Lots of us love you girl!