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Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2003 11:38 pm
by Missy
I much agree....besides the fact that even if there were 500 the real world
they would not attack like they have been in cantr. Most animals run from noise- which there is plenty of in most towns. Not to mention they wouldn't venture so close to town - because they saw people as it was.

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 9:32 am
by swampthing_bob
Animals a long time ago didn't run from noise. Now they do becuase they where hunted by humans. The animals aren't afriad of us yet.

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 5:42 pm
by new.vogue.nightmare
Well then.. Looks like it's time to instill a little fear, hm? ::brandishes a sabre in each hand:: :twisted:

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 6:10 pm
by Cosmo Harrigan
The animal population has been dramatically scaled back game-wide. Additionally, we are working on a more realistic model of population growth.

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2003 1:40 am
by Alcatraz
I could care less about there being too many of them. All you have to do is run into a building, or get a shield. I'd like them to start doing things. Like, eating stuff? Fighting amongst themselves?


killer rabbits!

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2003 5:11 pm
by west
Swymir wrote:I definitly don't think a group of 34 rabbits should be running around together killing people. Not only have I never seen more then 3 rabbits traveling together I never seen one jump out and kill a hiker.

Killer rabbits run away run away!

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2003 3:38 am
by Meh
David Goodwin wrote:possibly animals {the more feindly edible ones} should have migration patterns.

Would a nomiadic group develop?

It would have been great if horse domestication was in place before everything was "settled". Nomiadic goverments might still exist. Horse naturally follow other horses. Horses can be "milked".

If enough bikes and cars are produced we might see a "road warrior" kind of group mucking about.

Even with a new island nomadic groups didn't have much of a chance.

Wish list for nomaidic groups to form:

1) Food: gatherable food in an area should be exhuastable. The more that is gathered the less can be gathered in the same amount of time. It slowly recharges.
2) Food Animals: non-violent herbavores should be abundant. no violent herbavores unless you attack them at close quarters. (If you try to strangle a bunny it will bite)
3) Herbavore food resource: The herbavore food resource should be harvestable by characters and be exhuastable by the animals as well as chracters. When the food supply is exhuasted the animals move on in large groups. Hunting on the trails would be important.
4) Dangerous animals: Carnivores. Should have an equal chance of picking herbavores to eat as attacking people. Will also move to find herbavores and or people.
5) Wood everywhere. Wood should be exhuastable too but initallialy it should be everywhere. And it slowly regenerates.
6) Stone everywhere. Stone in most places should be quickly exhuastable without tools but avialable. Does not regenerate.
7) A shovelless fire pit. Quick to make but does not work as well as small fire pit. Have to balance not making a shovel for a very long time with people being able to punch animals, gather wood, and cook.
8) People centric spawning - no sense in letting people starve having no idea where the food wondered off too

Now it shouldn't stay like this forever.
Farms for people and animal food could be created to begin a more seditary lifestyle.
Someone will build up enough food to get iron gathered. But it will be a mission like sending people to the moon not just getting food for a few days and scooping it up.

Having to depend on others at least initally would stablize groups.
Mapping would be harder without plenty of food everywhere.
People couldn't easily get a lot of food and a little stone run to some iron and be a menace.
Goverments would not just spring up a good resource sites since the food at the site and the sites around them are not infinite.

This is not to say what is happening on the new island isn't valid. It is valid. The iron restirction, followed by iron free-for-all, followed by a mass murderer. Now the forest dwellers will have some history and reason for any rules they set up. The ones that will live though this time anyway.

Did I mention I like the idea of Fjords too?