What is/was (one of) your most fun moments in Cantr?

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What is/was (one of) your most fun moments in Cantr?

Postby MattWithoos » Fri Jul 15, 2016 10:52 am

With all the negative posts I thought I'd start a fun positive thread.

What's your favourite, most fun recent event in Cantr? Or old event... I'll go after you guys :lol:
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Re: What is/was (one of) your most fun moments in Cantr?

Postby SekoETC » Fri Jul 15, 2016 11:40 am

It's been fun playing characters who are unaware of social norms, so they do things that are unacceptable because they don't know better. My character Seko used to dig his nose and eat boogers, making other people disgusted. Also one time he stuck his finger in his best friend's ear when he thought he saw earwax. That was funny.

Something I've done several times on different characters is innocently call a person old to their face. Usually people don't get offended.

Also one time Pharap Jahrot was trading with someone who gave him an amazingly good deal, so he decided to give back a little extra to make things more even, and then the other person also included a little extra himself and in the end they both came out of it thinking they'd won.

Also I was amused one time when Coventina was young and one guy had a crush on her. She had just seen a toucan for the first time and said to the guy something like, if you really want to win my appreciation, I want you to catch me one of those colorful birds. She knew that it was against the law in Kiii, so the guy could've gotten in big trouble.
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Re: What is/was (one of) your most fun moments in Cantr?

Postby Passcall » Fri Jul 15, 2016 5:22 pm

One of the most funny moments was with my character Benjamin Davies.

He lived in a small community, together with a GUY called Princess Avi. So, one day, I asked another member of our community, Glenda, why Avi is called a princess since he is a male (since it was shown on Cantr description :-p).

Then she BRILLIANTLY asked how I knew that he was a guy with some kind of smirk on her face, and I was completely flabbergasted and did not have a reply at that time.

Also, a time that I laughed out loud, was when I was kinda new and wanted to poke someone. So I hit her with a bare fist with 0% which resulted in me slapping someone right in the face. This was at a completely random moment and totally inappropriate, which made it hilarious IRL.

I guess both moments seem kind of lame.. Oh well, I enjoyed them :-p
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Re: What is/was (one of) your most fun moments in Cantr?

Postby Alladinsane » Fri Jul 15, 2016 8:44 pm

I had a char who spoke with an upper-east coast type of jargon and had alot ton of fun with creative use of malapropisms.

He was telling a girl how she ranked on the 1 to 10 scale and told her "urinate".
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Re: What is/was (one of) your most fun moments in Cantr?

Postby Mafia Salad » Sat Jul 16, 2016 2:20 am

Stealing a van from the Alexian Empire when vans were a kings luxury. And living to brag about it.

Two guards from Naron had chased the van's first theif to Brinks where my character was (alone at the time, the other folk left for some reason while I was inside, maybe they had a theif to chase too, I didn't care enough to find out) and they killed the theif. My character Afris had been repairing tools for DuUrden since he spawned and had pocketed quite a few of them, so he was kinda morally grey and willing to take risks already.

So I figured why not? I checked to see if the van was unlocked, it was. Well now I'm in the van. It's do or die, probably both. So off I go. (I didn't know this at the time, but since both guards were on motorcycles they couldn't see the way I went. My ignorance made it quite an adrenaline rush)

I parked the van on the road and popped the lock off with a stolen screwdriver, then sat there for almost a year terrified of being found, until I was almost starved and went back into Brinks.

When I got back into town Starn and Trucky were back as well as some goodie two shoe refugees from Alexilad or Naron who were going all bunnies and rainbows over how great and peaceful the forest was. I wasn't going to have them settling down and ruining the grit and spit culture DuUrden had going there, so I started giving them a hard time and in general acting like the cocky sexist bastard that Afris was. All the while I was one eating tick from starving to death, but Afris wasn't going to admit that.

Eventually Trucky notices that I was in a van and slides in asking where I got it. So I bragged about stealing it and casually mentioned that I was hungry. He gave me some food (within an hour of starving if I remember right) and built a new lock on the van. (It was the Alenz hills Brinks forest trade van that Alexilad took during the war. So it was more of a recovery than theft, right?) I was a full on member of DuUrden after that, and those waterfall loving hippies moved on.

I still have no idea how Afris lived until I hit the X. That cocky snot should have died a dozen times and was a blast to play because of it.
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Re: What is/was (one of) your most fun moments in Cantr?

Postby Rmak » Sat Jul 16, 2016 8:08 pm

When Lyra Halifax walked into a town like she owned the place. Pretend kidnappings, drunken fist fights and lots of laughing.
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Re: What is/was (one of) your most fun moments in Cantr?

Postby Undine » Mon Jul 18, 2016 8:57 pm

When Hamaon impersonated Biin Hejj and annoyed Gwendolyn with his flamboyant song (about brassieres!). And as payback, she and some others plastered a huge bird on the wall of his shop.
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Re: What is/was (one of) your most fun moments in Cantr?

Postby Vega » Mon Jul 18, 2016 9:28 pm

Undine wrote:When Hamaon impersonated Biin Hejj and annoyed Gwendolyn with his flamboyant song (about brassieres!). And as payback, she and some others plastered a huge bird on the wall of his shop.

OMG! Why wasn't I there???!!!
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Re: What is/was (one of) your most fun moments in Cantr?

Postby Money » Mon Jul 18, 2016 10:52 pm

I can't remember his name now and don't feel like searching through the forum posts to find out but the town leader of Cape Kerena long ago, a much older male if I recall correctly, referenced his belief in the "Supreme One". I had been playing a religious character, Leon Deswick, who was the prophet of an abrahamicish monotheistic deity named "The Supreme One". It was immensely cool that another player would be willing to accept up the newest bit I had been trying to cram into this great green world.
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Re: What is/was (one of) your most fun moments in Cantr?

Postby Carrot Lord » Tue Jul 19, 2016 12:17 pm

When my character and friends pretended to be kidnapping a young spawn because they were in some sort underground mafia. The character's partner wasn't too pleased when he woke up. :lol:
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Re: What is/was (one of) your most fun moments in Cantr?

Postby Ahrta » Sun Jul 31, 2016 3:40 pm

The kidnapping of Khepra by the blackrocks.......

It was terrifying..really....being forced to eat banana muffins *gasp* and cake!

It was entirely too much fun... Khepra is still of the opinion that there should have been teams chosen first.... get the whole town involved! Who made the rule that you don't pick teams for a kidnapping? *grins*
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Re: What is/was (one of) your most fun moments in Cantr?

Postby Swingerzetta » Thu Aug 04, 2016 2:52 am

I think witnessing the accidental marriage of Corey and Vance was a highlight for me.
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Re: What is/was (one of) your most fun moments in Cantr?

Postby Mitch79 » Thu Aug 04, 2016 3:31 am

Swingerzetta wrote:I think witnessing the accidental marriage of Corey and Vance was a highlight for me.

Haha, Since I played Vance, I have to agree. That was one accidental marriage I won't forget.

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